According to the Companies (Directors Identification Number) Rule, 2006, a Director Identification Number or DIN establishes the identity of a director. It is an eight-digit number that the Central Government allots to a person who wants to become a director of a Company. Further, the DIN has lifetime validity. In this article, we will talk about the methods for application, modification, and surrender of a Director Identification Number (DIN).
The concept of a DIN was introduced with the addition of sections 266A-G to the Companies (Amendment) Act, 2006.

Application, Modification, and Surrender of a Director Identification Number (DIN)
We will talk about each of them separately:
Application for DIN
Applicants need to fill the following forms to apply for a DIN:
SPICe Form
Any person becoming a first director in a new company needs to apply for a DIN through the eForm SPICe. This is applicable only if the proposed director of the new company was not a director in any previous company. Also, the proposed director is not holding any previous DIN.
Further, the applicant must attach the following documents:
- A copy of self-attested PAN Card.
- Self-attested proof of identity (Driving Licence/ Passport/ Voter Id Card).
- Self-attested proof of address (Copy of Bank Statement/Passboook, Mobile Bill, Electricity Bill or Telephone Bill not older than 2 months)
- A passport Size Photograph
DIR-3 Form
Any person becoming a director in an existing company needs to apply for a DIN through the Form DIR-3.
Further, the applicant must attach the following documents:
- A passport-sized coloured photograph.
- A copy of self-attested PAN Card.
- Self-attested proof of identity (Driving Licence/ Passport/ Voter Id Card).
- Self-attested proof of address (Copy of Bank Statement/Passboook, Mobile Bill, Electricity Bill or Telephone Bill not older than 2 months)
Additionally, the applicant needs to mandatorily sign Form DIR-3 using his digital signature. Further, the responsibility of verifying the digital signature lies with:
- A Company Secretary in full-time employment of the company; or
- The Managing Director or Director or CEO or CFO of the existing company in which the applicant is a proposed director.
Further, the processing of Form DIR-3 starts only after the applicant pays the prescribed fee.
Once the applicant makes the payment, the details on Form DIR-3 are checked for potential duplicates. Only unique applications are allotted a DIN. The rest are sent to the DIN cell for back-office processing.
Modification of DIN
Applicants need to fill the following form for a modification of a DIN:
Form DIR-6
If there is any change in the particulars mentioned in Form SPICe/DIR-3, then the applicant needs to submit Form DIR-6. Further, these changes include any changes in the particulars of directors like a change in name, address, registered mobile number, etc.
The applicant must also attach the following documents: (A practicing CA/ CS/ CMA must verify and certify all documents):
- A copy of self-attested PAN Card.
- Any documentary proof in support of the proposed change.
Further, the applicant needs to mandatorily sign Form DIR-6 using a digital signature and the responsibility of verifying the digital signature lies with:
- A Chartered Accountant or a Company Secretary or a Cost Accountant in full-time practice; or
- A company secretary (a member of the ICSI)/ director of the existing company in which the applicant is a proposed director.
Surrender of Director Identification Number (DIN)
Applicants need to fill the following form for a surrender of a DIN:
Form DIR-5
If a director wants to surrender his DIN, he must fill Form DIR-5. Further, the surrender is permitted due to any of the following reasons:
- The DIN holder is having multiple DINs.
- The DIN is not in use as the applicant is not a director in any existing company. Also, he is not willing to join any company in the future.
- The death of the concerned director.
- Issuance of a duplicate DIN.
- The person holding the DIN is declared of an unsound mind by a competent court.
- The applicant had obtained the DIN via unfair means.
The applicant must also attach the following documents:
- Passport-sized coloured photograph.
- A copy of self-attested PAN Card.
- Self-attested proof of identity (Driving Licence/ Passport/ Voter Id Card).
- Self-attested proof of address (Copy of Bank statement/Passbook, Mobile Bill, Telephone Bill or Electricity Bill not more than 2 months old).
Summing Up
As you can see, the processes for application, modification and surrender of a director identification number are simple. All you need to do is follow the instructions mentioned above. We hope that you found this article useful. Do check our other blogs and explore our company registration services to see what we can offer to your company.
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