Under this form, any person intending to become a director in an existing company shall have to make an application for allotment of DIN.
Process of filing Form DIR 3 is as under:
1. The Form can be downloaded from MCA portal www.mca.gov.in.
2. The following details of the applicant are required to be provided in the form:
- Applicant’s full name
- Applicant’s full father’s name
- Residence status of an applicant
- Presently residing place
- Occupation of the applicant
- Educational qualification of the applicant
- Date of birth
- Gender
- Income-tax permanent account number and verify the same
- Permanent residential address with pin code
- Present residential address with pin code, if different from permanent address
3. The attachment to Form DIR 3 for DIN allotment are:
- Passport size color photograph
- Copy of self attested PAN Card
- Self attested proof of Identity (Driving Licence/Passport/Voter Id Card)
- Self attested proof of Address (Copy of Bank statement, not more than 2 months old/copy of passbook/utility bill not more than 2 months old/copy of passbook/utility bill)
The supporting documents attached shall be either self-attested by the applicant or duly attested by either Public Notary or a Gazetted Officer of a Government or attested by the Company Secretary in full time employment/ CEO / CFO/ Managing director of the Indian company in which he/she is proposed to be a director if eForm is digitally signed by secretary (who is member of ICSI), in whole time employment or director/manager/CEO/CFO of an existing company or designated partner of existing LLP.
Sample of Form DIR 3