Digital Signature Certificate commonly known as DSC is used to sign the documents through electronic mode.
The DSC is used to sign electronic documents and is equivalent to a handwritten signature in physical documents.
Class I DSC-
The Digital Signature of this class is used to verify the association of an email address with a person and process no legal validity in signing of documents.
Class II DSC-
The Digital Signature of this class is used for e-filing of documents with the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) for registrations, the Income Tax Department for return filing and obtaining Import Export Code. Such a class of Digital Signatures are issued to a person as an USB token after verifying self-attested copies of identity and address proof.
Class III DSC-
This class of Digital Signature are used to establish the identity of the signee in e-commerce and e-tendering and are the most secure form of Digital Signature Certificate as are issued only after the Registering Authority verifies the identity of the applicant, in-person.
DSC is provided by the Certifying Authority like E-Mudhra, Sify or N-Code in India